June 9th – I awoke at dawn this morning and in a very short time while I was getting ready heard the sheep across the road moving out into the pasture making their sweet sounds. Today I walk to Sarria and in an attempt to slow down the soon end to my Camino I take the long route via Samos where one of the oldest Benedictine monasteries which is one of the oldest and largest in Spain can be found. This slightly longer path I am walking with pilgrim friend Tim who also wants to see the Monestary. The path begins along the road then goes into the woodlands weaving its way along the cow paths. Such a fun surprise to be greeted by some being herded bu a man and his dog. As he passes he jokingly holds how his hand for money for the video being taken then laughs at the spoof.
It isn’t long before we come upon the town of Samos and the large monastery that dwarfs it.
It feels like time has stood still here.
We have coffee and pastries before the tour begins at 10:30. Afterwards I move on quickly towards Sarria where I will meet up with Pauline, Kim and Sue.
The forest paths are enchanting and this cat in his forest bed seems to sum up the contentment I feel in my soul. The water flows over the rio Sarria and my cup of gratitude equally is rich and full.
I reach the pension in Sarria where I spend the night and pause for a cold drink before taking a well anticipated shower. Out the cafe window I see the pilgrim with his donkey walk by. The Camino is full of surprise and gifts.